
OPEN TODAY 10:00 AM TO 8:00 PM

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • Sunday11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Sunday, Apr. 20ClosedEaster Sunday 🐰


League of Legends Weekly Tournament


Date: September 30, 2017 - November 11, 2017

Every Saturday through November 11th at 3pm, visit the Microsoft Store for a League of Legends Weekly Tournament

Players will be playing on one of ten high powered ASUS ROG gaming laptops and compete in a single elimination bracket. All players taking part in League of Legends ROG Arena tournaments at the Microsoft Store will gain access to League Unlocked*. earn an additional 25% IP and 50% XP at the end of matches (visible as a segment of the IP bar on the postgame screen), all champions and 110 skins will appear unlocked.

  • First place – 1500 RP, Triumphant Ryze, MYSTERY.icons
  • Second place – 1000 RP, MYSTERY.icons
  • Third & fourth place—MYSTERY.iconsCon

*NOTE: League Unlocked does not actually apply champion ownership to an account. Players will still need to purchase champions before players can buy skins for them. Players must have an active League of Legends account to participate and take advantage of the perks.

Register at microsoft.com/buffalo