
Open until 8:00 PM

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • Sunday11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Sunday, Apr. 20ClosedEaster Sunday 🐰


Western New York Coalition for Donated Goods Celebrates Earth Day at Walden Galleria

Published: 04/12/2017

Walden Galleria and the Western New York Coalition for Donated Goods (WNYCDG) have teamed up to celebrate Earth Day with a donation station at Walden Galleria. On Saturday, April 22nd from 10am-5pm, bring in any donated clothing items regardless of condition and receive a free reusable water tumbler, Walden Galleria Value Guide and a Lord & Taylor savings pass. The donation station will be located on the lower level in Lord & Taylor Court.  

The WNYCDG will have volunteers and provide educational information about the coalition and the missions of its members, how and where to donate your clothing, and how donating and recycling benefits the planet. Walden Galleria has WNYCDG donation bins located at Customer Service to accept year-round donations. For more information, please visit www.waldengalleria.com